SchTutors Tuition Agency - Where only the Teachers Teach
Office: 9320 9899
Operating Hours: Mon to Sat (9am - 9pm).
Online registration available 24/7.

Group Tuition Class

Last Updated: 44 days ago
Tutor's Name: Mastering English With Teacher Audrey
Level & Subject: Pri 4 English
Duration: Once a week, 2 hrs each lesson
Available Time Slots:
Sat 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Max Class Size: 4 students
Tuition Fees Per Student:
(4 weeks)
Class Location: Online lesson
Remarks: Pupils find my lessons enjoyable and engaging.
They also like my clear and thorough explanations.

English can be more fluid and complex than logic-based subjects like Math and Science. Furthermore, giving precise answers is difficult due to nuances in the language.
Thus, my structured teaching method makes English easy to tackle.
Tutor's Gender: Female
Age Group: 46 - 55 years old
Experience: Achievements of my pupils:
Pri level:
1) A pupil scored 39/40 for compo writing in P6.
2) Another pupil scored 39/40 for compo writing in P5.
3) A P4 pupil scored 20/20 (full marks) in compo writing.

These scores are rare but the compos are surprisingly easy to read. They are all written simply and effectively.

Sec level:
4) A pupil at the lower-sec level scored 27/30 for Paper 1(compo writing).
5) A pupil at the upper-sec level scored 41/50 for Paper 2 (compre/summary) and it was a challenging paper.

Once again, the compo is concise and written simply and effectively.
Last taught in: MOE school/tuition centres

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Note: As changes in date and time are not possible, please apply if the date and time suit you.
Start Date:
(Exact timing to be confirmed later)
Contact Number:
(for us to send you the confirmation email)
Your Address:
(for us to bill you after the deal is confirmed)
Postal Code:
(6 digit number)
Student's School:
(ensure that our tutors do not come from the same school as your child)
How did you find out about us?
(help us channel our resources to reach out to parents more effectively.)
(e.g. your timing preference if timing doesn't match)


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